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He Knows Your Name Have you ever heard God call your name? My dad experienced this one day, quite literally, while he was sitting in a pub, cigarette in one hand and a pint of beer in the other. A clear voice suddenly said to him, “Graham, what are you doing here?” (To hear [...]
It had been a teeth-grinding week, trying to communicate with someone I was losing patience with. By Friday afternoon, I was silently raging at the whole situation, and fuming at God because He wasn’t answering my prayers to “do something about” this person. Can you relate? Who is getting under your skin at the moment? [...]
Who are you? Have you ever thought about how we tend to answer that question? “I’m an entrepreneur. I’m a teacher. I’m a fitness instructor. I’m a radio producer.” It seems natural to tie our identity to our job or position. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. But what if our job becomes [...]