Author: Adventist Radio London

Page: 7

Can you believe it? It has been one year already since we first went on air sharing the hope. Now with all the changes, and growth that has taken place most importantly, we want to do more! This event is all about you! Unlocking your’ evangelistic potential as a volunteer with Adventist Radio London your […]

He Knows Your Name   Have you ever heard God call your name? My dad experienced this one day, quite literally, while he was sitting in a pub, cigarette in one hand and a pint of beer in the other. A clear voice suddenly said to him, “Graham, what are you doing here?” (To hear [...]
I love thunderstorms. There’s just something about curling up in a blanket and watching from the window as dramatic lightning patterns the sky, knowing that you are safe. It’s another thing altogether if you feel that you aren’t safe. When I lived in Laos, I watched some of the most intense and frightening storms I’ve [...]

Adventist Radio London

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